17 September 2023, 11:09
Filed under: GENERAL | Tags: , , , , , ,

i’ve extended the table of contents for the upcoming ‘lulu’ edition. it seems to do more justice to the richness of the content. makes the whole universe of the psychological astrology covered in the book easier visible at a glance.

otherwise, i’m suprised myself how solid the book is (looking back on it after so many years), so i only have to tweak tiny pieces here and there, mainly editing the ‘capitalization’ method (that pinpoints linguistically the energetic workings of Traits and Connections while seamlessly integrating them into the text) to be clearer and easier to read.

have decided to also publish a larger hardcover version. i felt this would do the weight and scope of the book more justice.

coming soon …


This website is offered as a forum to share Planetary Experiences with others. Just select the respective Trait from the PLANETS section on the left and I’ll do my best to moderate your angle in.


Vienna & London, Autumn 2017




The above Symbol (which I decided works perfectly to describe what Systemic Astrology is supposed to be) I’ve come across through the Hermetic Tarot. I’ve altered it slightly, basically streamlined it a bit. On first glance, it seems to convey beautifully the cultivation of Buddha Fa (East) within the attainment of the Philosopher’s Stone (West). But obviously, there’s lots more to it …

19 April 2007, 18:12
Filed under: PREFACE | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

this is an introductory text about where we astrologers are coming from. any ideas and suggestions just drop them down in the comments box below …

“we astrologers feel that there is a ‘meaningful logic’ behind the movement of the PLANETS in our solar system which deeply affects us as human beings. by somehow ‘relating’ to our endocrine and nervous systems, the planetary CYCLES thereby establish a framework which we have come to refer to as FATE. behind FATE, we feel, lies a certain programme, and the goal of this programme – the game plan, or MEANING of it, if you will – is to reach a genuine state of HAPPINESS – brought upon through a healthy and mature dedication to the individual and collective GROWTH of HUMAN POTENTIAL.

on one hand we are asked to grow INSIDE ourselves [MOON] where we find out who we really are as a person. by digging down deep into the core genetic TRUTH [PLUTO], we carefully learn to accept the fact that we are evolutionarily trapped into a state of ANIMAL NATURE. as soon as we have come to terms with being this lonely, vulnerable creature who desires to merge with other such vulnerable creatures we can eventually become CONTENT as human individuals. we can then emotionally and spiritually open up to other content people without fear of being rejected or otherwise hurt.

but at the same time we all continuously grow OUTSIDE as well [SUN]. we expand our reach into the world around us and with an ever increasing lightness and confidence express our true inner SELVES like worry-free, innocent CHILDREN. we want to unleash our dormant potential, so that we can all be STARS in the end, in our own individual drama called LIFE. the SKILLS to achieve this, as western, PSYCHOLOGICAL ASTROLOGY sees it, are represented by the PLANETS in our CHARTS.

and all the way through this spectacular concept of LIVING we humans also experience another somewhat sad and strange concept: TIME PASSING / AGEING [SATURN]. we feel we are caught up in a REALITY we have to submit to, a PRISON, ruled by JEALOUSLY and DECAY, which we cannot seem to escape. we astrologers believe that only through the existence of PAIN are we humans compelled to get ‘our act’ together and eventually PLAY a more confident, active and fun part in our own individual SLICE OF REALITY.”

reinhard schleining
london, 17th april 2007

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